以常用的一个算法函数binary_search为例,在C++ reference中,可以查得它的两个传入参数分别如下:
template< class ForwardIt, class T >bool binary_search( ForwardIt first, ForwardIt last, const T& value );template< class ForwardIt, class T, class Compare >bool binary_search( ForwardIt first, ForwardIt last, const T& value, Compare comp );
#include#include #include #include using namespace std;bool compare(int num1, int num2){ return num1 > num2; }int main(int argc, char** argv) { vector intV1 = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}; vector intV2 = {9, 7, 5, 3, 1}; //Searching in ascending order: bool is5Exist = binary_search(intV1.cbegin(), intV1.cend(), 5); cout << "Element 5 " << (is5Exist ? "exsits" : "does not exist") << " in int vector 1. " << endl; //Searching in descending order, need to specify the descending order: is5Exist = binary_search(intV2.cbegin(), intV2.cend(), 5, compare); cout << "Element 5 " << (is5Exist ? "exsits" : "does not exist") << " in int vector 2. " << endl; return 0;}
class CompareEle{public: bool operator()(int num1, int num2){ return num1 > num2;}};struct CompareNum{ bool operator()(int num1, int num2){ return num1 > num2;}};
//调用用类声明的比较:is5Exist = binary_search(intV2.cbegin(), intV2.cend(), 5, CompareEle());//调用用结构体声明的比较:is5Exist = binary_search(intV2.cbegin(), intV2.cend(), 5, CompareNum());
此处,在类或者结构体中重写了方法调用函数,即bool operator(),即定义了用户定义的比较不同元素之间的方式。
is5Exist = binary_search(intV2.cbegin(), intV2.cend(), 5, std::greater ());
本文简单介绍了C++函数指针、函数对象的概念以及函数指针和函数对象在标准模版库中的几种使用方式。由于C++的编译器通常能对函数对象(也即类或结构体书写的重载方法调用函数)作出优化,因此更加推荐在编程中使用函数对象或者C++ STL自带的函数对象声明对象之间的关系。此外,自定义的函数指针和函数对象返回值也不仅仅限于bool,还可以是其他形式。比如参考资料4的第554页就给出了如下例子:
#include#include #include #include #include // array class-template definition#include // copy algorithm#include // accumulate algorithm#include // binary_function definition#include // ostream_iteratorusing namespace std;// binary function adds square of its second argument and the// running total in its first argument, then returns the sum int sumSquares( int total, int value ) { return total + value * value; } // end function sumSquares// Class template SumSquaresClass defines overloaded operator()// that adds the square of its second argument and running // total in its first argument, then returns sum template< typename T > class SumSquaresClass {public: // add square of value to total and return result T operator()( const T &total, const T &value ) { return total + value * value; } // end function operator()}; // end class SumSquaresClassint main(){ const size_t SIZE = 10; array< int, SIZE > integers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }; ostream_iterator< int > output( cout, " " ); cout << "array integers contains:\n"; copy( integers.cbegin(), integers.cend(), output ); // calculate sum of squares of elements of array integers // using binary function sumSquares int result = accumulate( integers.cbegin(), integers.cend(), 0, sumSquares ); cout << "\n\nSum of squares of elements in integers using " << "binary\nfunction sumSquares: " << result; // calculate sum of squares of elements of array integers // using binary function object result = accumulate( integers.cbegin(), integers.cend(), 0, SumSquaresClass< int >() ); cout << "\n\nSum of squares of elements in integers using " << "binary\nfunction object of type " << "SumSquaresClass< int >: " << result << endl;} // end main
- binary_search的使用参考,URL:
- chengyang的博客,URL:
- 函数对象参考资料,URL:
- Paul Deitel & Harvey Deitel, 《C++11程序设计(英文版)(第2版)》,2016年4月,电子工业出版社